Thursday’s Thought

      A Mid-Week Inspirational Message

    © 2003-2008 Ron Adams


Defined: A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger; An abandoned display of emotion, especially of anger.

– American Heritage Dictionary

     Passion in and of itself is neutral: it can be helpful or it can be harmful. Love and joy certainly are beneficial. Hatred and anger cause much harm. The powerful emotion of passion among Christians can be constructive or destructive.


Passionate about spreading the Good News

to a lost and dying world.

Passionate about protecting the church

against false teachers.

Passionate about living as a Christian

in a hostile world.


Passionate about traditions to the point of

tearing up congregations.

Passionate about personal feelings and desires to the point of intimidation and threat of retaliation.

Passionate about change to keep up with the times to the point of running rough shod over plain Bible teachings.

Be passionate!

but make sure it is constructive, not destructive.

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